John Kennedy

Trump’s Judicial Nominee Shows No Knowledge of Basic Legal Terms in Hearing

The testimony of one of President Donald Trump’s latest judicial nominees went viral Thursday after the potential future U.S. District Court judge was shown to have no knowledge of basic legal terms and little experience in law.
Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) asked Federal Election Commissioner Matthew Spencer Petersen if he had ever tried a criminal or civil case or a case in a state or federal court, finally questioning whether he had even taken a deposition without supervision from a more senior attorney—the answers to all of which were “no.”

JFK and Donald Trump: Two leaders who challenged similar deep state narratives

John Fitzgerald Kennedy would have been 100 years old this week, had an assassin’s bullet still shrouded in mystery not taken his life in 1963.
As a child, Kennedy was something of both a haunting and a heroic figure to me. Everyone talked about the young, eloquent, scholarly President and how particularly unjust, unfair and utterly tragic his death was. Were I a Catholic, I’m sure I would feel there was even some Book of Job like test of faith involved in his death.

Another story from the Deep State soft coup plotters: Kushner, Flynn and the ‘back channel’ to Russia

Yesterday I wrote that having failed to find any evidence against any of the other people involved in the Russiagate inquiry, the investigators have turned on Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Today predictably there is the leak intended to cause him harm from our old friends, ‘three anonymous current and former officials’.

The Twilight Zone of American Political Life

I think a description of the political space in which we live as a kind of twilight reality is not an exaggeration. Not only is a great deal of the news about the world we read and hear manipulated and even manufactured, but a great deal of genuine news is simply missing. People often do not know what is happening in the world, although they generally believe they do know after reading their newspapers or listening to news broadcasts.

Zionism’s Last Card and Hope for Palestine

Following the interim agreement with Iran the next six months will tell us whether or not the American-led Zionist lobby and Zionism itself has played its last card and lost. If it does lose President Obama will be free to use the leverage he has to try to cause Israel to be serious about peace on terms almost all Palestinians and most other Arabs and Muslims everywhere could accept (and which would not pose any threat to the wellbeing and security of those Jews now living in Palestine that became Israel and who wanted to stay). The stakes could not be higher.