John Kelly

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahI especially like Kelly's monkey medals, very apt.Yes, Gen. John Kelly, Señor Trumpanzee's Chief of Staff would have fit in quite well at Rick's American Cafe in Casablanca. Of course in that alternate universe, the Nazi's would be running it under his direction. Kinda like the White House is today. As it is, Gen. Kelly is a bigly stain on the reputation of the United State Marine Corps.

Only The Best People

One of the billion or so lies from the Trumpanzee family was when Ivanka spoke at the Republican National Convention-- the one that insinuated that Trump isn't a racist and that claimed he hires the "best people"-- two whoppers. Watch; it's just 17 seconds. He's hired and fired more top people in the shortest amount of time than Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W, Bush and Barack Obama combined. Who's next? I know who it should be. And so does Lindsey Graham.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahGeneral John Kelly, you once took an oath to defend the United States and to defend the Constitution of the United States. Then, you took a job with Trump. You've now earned this meme, and so much more. You are a Five Star Disgrace.From the day General John Kelly became Señor Trumpanzee's Chief Of Staff, we heard that he would be "a grownup in the room," bring integrity to the White House, reign in the crazy man, etc. One thing, however, raised a red flag to me; he is a long time friend of Trump.

POTUS Trump’s Chief of Staff voted Hillary Clinton in 2016 election (Video)

A top Republican official went on Fox News to expose the fact that Trump’s White House Chief of Staff John Kelly voted for Hillary Clinton.
John Kelly was appointed to replace White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus in July.
Kelly, a US military general, runs Trump’s White House, filtering the president’s news sources and controlling the president’s schedule.
Trump has surrounded himself with a team of Generals who are part of the very swamp Trump campaigned against in 2016.
How bad is it for POTUS Trump?

Bye Bye Bannon – Nationalist Firebrand Booted From Trump Administration

Confirming earlier reports from Matt Drudge and the NYT, on Friday afternoon the White House confirmed that Trump decided to push out his chief strategist, and the man who according to many got him elected, Stephen Bannon.
“White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve’s last day. We are grateful for his service and wish him the best,” the White House said in an emailed statement.