John Kasich

Ohio Is All Gerrymandered Up-- And Of Course You Can Blame Arch Hypocrite John Kasich

Want to understand Kasichism? Ohio Governor John Kasich has a new book out, Two Paths: America Divided or United, and you don;'t even have to read it because he's on a media blitz to push it. On The View Tuesday he addressed the reason-- a 2020 presidential run-- most people are paying attention to it: "A lot of people say, 'Well, he wrote this be 'cause he wants to run for office or whatever.' No, I wrote this book because, folks, we can't live fighting, even inside our own families."Later he was on Chris Hayes' show. It was so dull.

The Crazy Republican Party War Against Health Care

Yesterday CNN interviewed John Kasich, who was in Munich for a security conference. Among other things, they asked him about Paul Ryan's and the House Republicans' plans to take away health care from millions of Americans by "phasing out" the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. You can listen to Kasich's response in the short video above. In short, he's appalled.

How Deep Will The Trumpist Take Over Of The GOP Go? Who Plays The Von Papen Role?

There was a flurry of reports that Republicans would stand up to Trump, rein him in, keep him under control, direct and guide him, etc. German conservatives-- from the industrialists and media moguls to politicians like Franz von Papen-- were supposed to do the same thing with Hitler once he became chancellor.

Is He From Mars? Pence Will Have To Try To Make This Sound Normal Tonight

The other day, Keith Olbermann recorded a telling little segment about dogs and Trump. To anyone who's ever been a friend of a dog-- and who, besides Trump, hasn't been?-- it's bad enough on it's own. But when you look at it in a broader context, Trump's psychological unfitness for leadership, it becomes even more interesting.

How Complete Is Trump's Hostile Takeover Of The Republican Party?

Jeb Bush didn't stand up to Trump convincingly enough but he hit the nail on the head in December when he labeled Trump the "chaos candidate." Too bad no one was paying any attention to Bush by then. Trump wants chaos. He's learned how to profit when everything seems to be falling apart; it's part of his business model-- part of whatever passes for a creed he has.