Jimmy Dore

The social media ‘DEPLATFORM’ end game: Self-censorship (Video)

Alex Jones’ account was put in “read only” mode and will be blocked from posting on Twitter for seven days because of an offending tweet. Twitter declined to comment on the content that violated its policies.
A Twitter spokesperson told CNN the content which prompted the suspension was a video published Tuesday in which Jones linked to within his tweet saying, “now is time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag”.

Sneaky Deep State changes narrative on Russia from “election meddling” to “election involvement” (Video)

With US primary elections coming in November 2018, the neocon-deep state faction of the Trump administration is cleverly scapegoating Russia, while changing the narrative on what was previously called “election meddling” to now be identified as “election involvement”.
Not that any of this matters, because we have, to-date, seen no evidence of “meddling”, “collusion”, “interference”, or “involvement”.
Nevertheless, should Republicans have a poor showing in the midterms Russia will be blamed, and should Democrats have a poor showing in the midterms Russia will be blamed.

Watch: Comedian Destroys CNN Reporter for Sniffing ‘Poison’ on Air

(TIM) — Shortly after the United States, France and the UK launched air strikes against Syria in April in response to a suspected chemical attack allegedly carried out by the Syrian government in Douma, a CNN report featuring senior correspondent Arwa Damon reporting from a refugee camp in Aleppo was published. The report highlighted Damon’s visit with survivors of the […]

From Desert Storm to Syria chemical weapons, the lies behind US war is exposed (Video)

High ranking politicians on both sides are calling for bombing in Syria despite no investigation as tensions between the US and Russia continue to heat up.
Jimmy Dore delivers some hard facts on Syria and the propaganda push for war, that mainstream media will never ever cover…

“Russia went into Syria to fight ISIS. Guess what we were doing? We went into Syria to fund ISIS.”
“And then they will demonetize this video because I just said that.”

Undeniable proof that the UK meddled in the US elections (Video)

From UK Secret Intelligence Service MI6 agent Christopher David Steele peddling around a fake Trump-Russia dossier so as to swing the US election towards Hillary Clinton and the DNC, to the recent data mining/Facebook scandal driven by UK firm Cambridge Analytica, manipulating 50 million US Facebook users, to swing the US election in Trump’s favor, what is now irrefutable is that the UK clearly, consistently and aggressively meddled in America’s 2016 presidential elections.