
Porkins Policy Radio episode 75 My 2017 Predictions with Chuck Ochelli

On today’s episode I lay out my predictions for 2017. In the first hour I look at geopolitics and the places I think will be important in 2017. I begin by focusing on a possible resolution in Syria and how this may play out for the future. I also talk about a few other hot-spots in the middle east to pay attention to: Israel and Yemen. I discuss why these are both important for the future of the region and on a global scale. I also explore Asia, focusing on China and North Korea.

ISIS massacres 280 civilians for ‘cooperation with the Syrian army’

The Isis offensive in Deir ez-Zor may be intended to boost its profile, after losing territory recently to different forces. Photograph: Ahmad Aboud/AFP/Getty Images

(RT) – Islamic State jihadists have reportedly slaughtered up to 280 people in the Deir ez-Zor province, killing “whole families” for alleged cooperation with the Syrian troops. The killings are said to have taken place a day after Russian humanitarian aid was air dropped in the region.