Jewish State

Israel, our wretched Jewish state, is racist, nationalistic and meant for Jews only

Image above: Young Israeli men on Jerusalem Day on May 28 2014, mass outside the old city demonstrating it is theirs by right of conquest.

Now we know, says Israeli Gideon Levy. In the Jewish state, there is pity and humane feelings only for Jews and rights only for the Chosen People. The Jewish state is only for Jews.


UK Methodists still half-hearted about BDS

UK Methodists sidestepped a proposal to “strengthen the Church’s commitment to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as a peaceful and effective method to persuade the State of Israel to end its military occupation of the Palestinian territories… by applying BDS to Israel in addition to the illegal settlements”. And they did so on a day when Israelis were ramping up their wildly disproportionate murder spree and collective punishment against Palestinians

Timid US Presbyterian Church punish American companies, shun BDS and let Israel off the hook


by Stuart Littlewood
Pro-Palestinian campaigners are cock-a-hoop over the Presbyterian Church USA’s vote to divest from Caterpillar Inc, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions. Hailed as amazing, brave and miraculous in some quarters, it was actually a very close-run thing: 310 to 303 against, with no abstentions.

The Big Lie: Israel wants a Peace Agreement with the Palestinians.

 Peace agreement  is an anathema to Israel and contradicts its Zionist goal of a “Greater Israel”. In such a nation there is no room or accommodation for Palestinians and Arabs from the Nile River to the west, to the Lebanese LItani River in the north, and the Euphrates River to the east.

by Mohamed Khodr


The Paranoid Jew

 This anti-goyim, supremacist, racist, genocidal Judaic ideology had developed and imprinted a severe case of paranoid complex deep in the collective psyche of Jews, whose anti-goyim hate, treachery, unethical and immoral dealings produced a reactionary collective international anti-Jewish sentiment. Sorry Mr. Dershowitz it is the anti-goyimism in the Jewish collective psyche, not the anti-Semitism, that is the disease of the soul.