Jennifer Christie

A Few Careerist Democrats-- Fools-- Are Afraid To Back Impeachment

3 conservative Democrats; Slotkin on the rightMichigan New Dem Elissa Slotkin is one of the most worthless wastes of a House seat Democrats elected in 2018. A cowardly careerist she has spent the last year shaking in her seat that she might say or do something wrong and lose her reelection bid. ProgressivePunch rates her a big fat "F." That's why she should lose her seat in the Detroit suburbs.

Trump's Economy Has Started Falling Apart-- Especially In The Midwest

Jennifer Christie is the progressive Democrat in the race to fill the open seat for the congressional district north of Indianapolis. "Trump’s economy," she told us this morning, "is unsustainable for my district. We are a rural and suburban district that depends on agriculture and innovation. His tariffs hurt farmers, businesses, and consumers.

Carly Fiorina Knows Trump Is Toxic For Congressional Republicans But Doesn't Say How Many Seats They'll Lose-- Here Are Around 40

Trump and his dumb-ass followers call mainstream media "fake news," although generally not Trump-TV (AKA, Fox News). And he watches Trump TV all day. So what do you think he thought of this day in the middle of his insanity about how only 25% of voters want him impeached? "Just over half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a Fox News Poll released Wednesday.

Conservatives Like Trump And Biden Don't Back The Idea Of Free College, But New Mexico Is Moving Ahead Anyway

Maggie Toulouse Oliver is New Mexico's Secretary of State and currently the progressive candidate for the U.S. Senate seat Tom Udall is retiring from. This morning she told me, in a statement, that "As a single mom who is still paying off student loans-- and has taken on additional loans to pay for my oldest son's college education-- I know how much this innovative plan will help New Mexicans. Gov.