Jeb Bush

How Fox News Undercut Trump

The Republican Establishment, led by powerful media boss Fox News’ Roger Ailes, undercut Donald Trump’s anti-Establishment campaign with some last-minute maneuvers in Iowa, including baiting Trump to boycott a Fox debate, as JP Sottile explains. By JP Sottile Something really strange happened on the way to the Iowa Caucus. The strange thing is not that…

Iowa GOP Primary in a Nut Shell

Like the Pony Express roaring out of a cloud of dust, the GOP candidates came last week, promising to return the U.S. to the 1880s.
In this Great March Back to the Past, there are only a few things you need to know about the GOP candidates as they change positions, jockey for advantage and pontificate endlessly to promote guns, to cut taxes for the rich, to hate for gays and immigrants, and to end government regulations and programs.

A Crazy Establishment Demands ‘Sanity’

Exclusive: As support grows for anti-Establishment candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, a frantic Establishment is demanding that Americans “stay sane” and vote for one of its approved candidates. But is it sane to follow advice that has led to endless wars and a disappearing middle class, asks Robert Parry. By Robert Parry With ever-growing hysteria, the Establishment…

Spinning US Voters to Stay Passive

As public anger toward America’s self-interested establishment bubbles into a boil, the mainstream media has grown frantic appealing to the masses to “stay sane,” reject populism — especially Bernie Sanders’s variety — and renew the establishment’s lease on the White House, as Norman Solomon notes. By Norman Solomon For a long time, as he campaigned…

Does The Ineffectiveness of Jeb's Campaign Itself Disqualify Him In The Eyes Of Most Voters?

Jeb's SuperPAC, Right to Rise, made the 30 second ad above. I don't know what it cost them to make it or to run it but I do know one thing: it was a complete waste of money no matter what it cost and didn't persuade a single voter... unless it persuaded them to not vote for Jeb. He-- and his donors-- are being taken for a ride by consultants who are getting rich while Jeb's campaign flounders. And it isn't just poor Jeb... even if he is getting the worst of it. Total political ad spending for the presidential campaigns are through the roof. A week from today Iowans will caucus.

Republican Attack Ads Are Making Everyone Hate Republicans

Friday, Hillary was busy driving up her own already unfavorable ratings by joining the most vicious surrogates and staffers on her team disseminating twisted lies about Bernie. Democrats hate negative campaigning against other Democrats. Even Republicans are growing restless-- at least in Iowa and New Hampshire-- with the tens of millions of dollars in negative ads they can't escape from. TV, radio, internet... the Republican candidates are tearing each other apart.

Billionaires Love Sweet Tarts

Let’s get blunt: when the rich support presidential candidates they do so out of self interest. They don’t want to change anything other than perhaps get their taxes further reduced. The system has worked for them perfectly thus far. Why fix what ain’t broken? I suppose you could say most vote from self interest, but when their interests revolve around paying rent next month it tends to hold more weight than I want a bigger yacht.

Unleash The Ads! And The Mud!

Greg Sargent's headline in today's Washington Post shocked me. It's completely accurate and totally precise but I had never seen the word "darkies" in a Post headline before. Herr Trumpf sure has done strange things to our country. Sargent says Trumpf's dark propaganda piece makes crystal clear how the fear-mongering demagogue wants to make America "great" again-- by making it white again-- and by keeping the darkies out.