Jason Kander

With Golden Opportunity in Coming Elections, Will Democrats Rediscover a Soul?

WASHINGTON (Analysis) — At first glance, Jason Kander would seem to be a political consultant’s dream — or perhaps nightmare, if you’re a Republican. Approaching his 37th birthday, the former Missouri secretary of state is boyishly handsome, whip smart, a social-media savant, and appeals to both millenials and seniors.

More Centrists-- The Arena Has Nothing To Offer

Anti-ideology advocate Jason Kander had a cool video... and lostI've talked with Andy Kim a few times on the phone. A little straight laced for me but Andy is a former Obama White House national security official who coordinated the fight against ISIS inside the National Security Council. Before that, he worked at the Pentagon, the State Department and in Afghanistan as a strategic adviser to General David Petraeus.

Is The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Taking Over? Only If You Let Them

Patrick Murphy... with Little Chucky SchmuckyThe Democratic Establishment is panicking progressives into voting for unspeakably corrupt conservative candidates, warning them that Trump is under the bed and that if they don't vote for Democrats up and down the ticket, he will kill and eat everyone-- and not necessarily in that order.

DSCC Recruits Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander To Run For Blunt's Senate Seat

By Missouri standards, Kander is a progressive. The NRA gave him a "D" and the Missouri Progressive Vote Coalition has ranked him between 86 and 100% since 2009. At 33, he's the youngest statewide-elected official in the whole country-- and he's very popular in Missouri and was expected to skate to reelection next year.