Jake Tapper

Post-Trump, America Needs Something Better Than Another Back To Normalcy President

It would be a tragic mistake for Democrats to pick a 2020 nominee based solely on ousting Trump. Electability is always an important consideration but it should never-- not even now-- be the only consideration. Almost any reasonably decent candidate should be able to beat Trump. It's not about them; it's not even about Trump. It's about us. Is there a candidate offering us something we want from our government?

A Long List of Public Figures Jake Tapper Must Condemn for Ties to Farrakhan

On June 26, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld President Donald Trump’s Executive Order supporting a ban on immigration from many Muslim-majority countries, especially those in the crosshairs of American foreign policy. The five Republican judges decided that it did not matter that Trump had been touting plans for a Muslim ban for over three years, and essentially ruled that their own right-wing ideology superseded the Constitution.

CNN’s Jake Tapper cuts off White House adviser Stephen Miller in heated Steve Bannon argument (Video)

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Tomorrow Is Election Day In Alabama. Would Moore Be The Most Vile Man Ever Elected To The Senate? We Already Have the Most Vile President

Tomorrow is election day in Alabama. I'm rooting for Doug Jones. He doesn't just seem better than Roy Moore-- now there's a low bar-- but better than Jon Ossoff too. I bought into Ossoff, contributed some monet to him personally and Blue America endorsed him and raised him some money.

What's More Flawed? The Iran Nuclear Agreement, American Korean Policy Or Señor Trumpanzee?

The video above from CNN's Reliable Sources is important to watch even though it isn't what this post is about. It's context, important contest, FCC commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel explaining the despite Trumpanzee's blustering and threatening media licenses are not in jeopardy and that the FCC is more interested in the First Amendment than in Trump's fascist instincts to force the media to support his authoritarian approach.