jack posobiec

Porkins Policy Radio episode 130 Homeland Season 7 Premiere with Tom Secker

Tom Secker of Spy Culture joins me to discuss the season 7 premiere of Homeland. We start off by giving a quick recap of the previous season which saw a faction of the deep state attempt to assassinate President Elect Elibazeth Keane. Tom and I then dive into this season, which breaks with Homeland protocol, and picks up 52 days after the events of season 6.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 106 Post Charlottesville with Chuck Ochelli

Chuck Ochelli joins me to discuss the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville and the rise of right wing racist groups. We begin by breaking down the initial protest over the taking down of a statue Robert E Lee. Chuck and I offer up our thoughts not only on America’s new found love of statues from the 1950’s but the make up of this crowd of alt-right protesters. Next Chuck and I explore the racist and racialist history of America and its deep roots in our society. Chuck explains the difference and how racialism has infected most of the population.