Jabhat Al-Nusra

How Washington is positioning Syrian Al-Qaeda’s founder as its ‘asset’

A PBS Frontline special is the latest vehicle in a PR campaign to legitimize rebranded Syrian al-Qaeda, HTS, and market its leader Mohammad Jolani as a competent American “asset.” March 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the Western regime-change war on Syria. And after a decade of grueling conflict, Washington is still maneuvering to extend its longstanding relationship with the Salafi-jihadist militants fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. With the northwestern province of Idlib under the control of a self-proclaimed “Syrian […]

Continuing the War in Syria

The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa and Global Counterterrorism held a hearing on April 15, 2021, on “10 Years of War: Examining the Ongoing Conflict in Syria.” As is customary of American exceptionalism, the feasibility of regime change in Damascus was not left undiscussed. Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina, […]
The post Continuing the War in Syria first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Former hostage responds to top diplomat calling Al Qaeda a US ‘asset’ in Syria

Lindsey Snell, a journalist who escaped Al Qaeda captivity in Syria, responds to a top US diplomat calling the militant group “an asset” amid a media-enabled PR campaign to whitewash its image. Amid a public relations campaign to rehabilitate the Al Qaeda franchise in Syria — which rules Idlib, Syria’s last militant-controlled province – former top US diplomat James Jeffrey has called the group a US “asset.” Lindsey Snell, an independent journalist who escaped captivity by Al Qaeda in Syria, […]

Syrian army takes control over all villages around Aleppo, eliminating threat of terrorist shelling

RT | February 16, 2020 The Syrian military has established full control of all areas surrounding Aleppo for the first time since 2012, putting an end to the terrorist shelling of the country’s second-largest city. A total of 23 villages to the west and north of the city were liberated, as fighters from the Hayat […]