Iran Nuclear Program

The Hawks Who Want War With Iran Are Working Overtime

Written by Ariel Gold and Medea Benjamin Just as talks between the United States and Iran were taking place last week in Vienna, a cyberattack was carried out on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility. Reports are that the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, was behind the attack that blacked out the facility just one day after Tehran launched new advanced uranium enrichment[Read More...]

Beautiful Plots: Israel Sabotages the Natanz Nuclear Facility

Over the weekend, Iran marked National Nuclear Technology Day.  The stars of the show were going to be new advanced centrifuges at the Natanz uranium enrichment plant.  Unfortunately, the stars did not shine and President Hassan Rouhani and his officials were left with a reminder of the previous time the centrifuges at Natanz crashed.  In 2010, a joint US-Israeli operation[Read More...]

Bad Cop – Good Cop, Part Deux – Trump blasts Iran deal, while Macron proposes fixing it

Once again, the mainstream American press is blindsided by their commitment to defraud the US President. Last week, CNN and other networks excoriated President Trump because he did NOT go for new sanctions against Russia, but stopped them from happening. Today the media narrative pivoted to Iran, and as usual, President Trump has launched into this problem with all rhetorical guns a-blazing: