I Awakened Here When the Earth Was New

Alisa Singer (USA), Changing, 2021. Source: IPCC. In late March 2021, 120 traditional owners from 40 different First People’s groups spent five days at the National First People’s Gathering on Climate Change in Cairns (Australia). Speaking on the impact of the climate crisis on First People, Gavin Singleton from the Yirrganydji traditional owners explained that […]
The post I Awakened Here When the Earth Was New first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Book review. Parents For A Future: How Loving Our Children Can Prevent Climate Collapse by Rupert Read

Book review. Parents For A Future: How Loving Our Children Can Prevent Climate Collapse by Rupert Readby Ian SinclairMorning Star3 May 2021 RUPERT Read’s latest book on the climate crisis is underpinned by the realisation pretty much all of us are “in some form or another of climate denial” – about honestly facing up to […]

How we fool ourselves. Part III: Social biases

By Judith Curry | Climate Etc. | April 25, 2021 “Is the road to scientific hell paved with good intentions?” – political psychologist Philip Tetlock (1994) Part I in this series addressed logical fallacies. Part II addressed biases associated with a consensus building process. Part II addresses the role of social conflicts and biases. Additional […]

A Winning Climate and Political Approach

I don’t have any regrets about the work, and the 32-day hunger strike, that I did last fall to get Joe Biden elected. I knew what we would be getting: first and most important, an end to Trump in the White House and second, someone replacing him who wasn’t a climate denier. I support the […]
The post A Winning Climate and Political Approach first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Why Many Climate Crisis Claims Are Based On Manipulated Science

Climate Change Dispatch | March 28, 2021 We are constantly being warned by activists, politicians, and some climate scientists that we face a climate crisis; that if humanity collectively doesn’t alter its lifestyle and consumption patterns now, the world will end in 10 years, 12 years, 50 years—pick your number. This is a lie, and […]

Climate Facts or Leaps of Faith? Governments Can’t Tell the Difference

We have no hard evidence of a crisis. Only expert opinion and best estimates. By Donna Laframboise | Big Picture News | February 17, 2021 Governments are currently fighting climate change to the tune of billions. For this to make sense, each idea in the following chain of reasoning needs to be bulletproof: #1 – scientists know there’s […]