
Dreams of Detention

Detention comes in various forms, and all have a basic premise: the removal of liberty of the subject, the presence of permanent control and surveillance, the utter reduction of rights to life to obligations to the state.
The suggestion of internment of terror suspects by One Nation leader Pauline Hanson hints at a historical awareness of one thing: that rounding up citizens and keeping them under lock and key, assisted by firearms, is one way of dealing with a threat.  That such an idea is dangerously flawed is not something that enters the One Nation party room.

As a Dissident you have been Targeted for Extraction, Internment and Resettlement

This is not just another FEMA camp article which can be easily debunked. This article deals with the fact that a recent government manual, leaked to the public, details the plans for mass arresting dissident Americans and stripping them of their citizenship so as to be able to violate the Constitution and the Geneva Convention…