
Second Stage Terror Wars

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. – William Casey, CIA Director, February. 1981 It is well known that the endless U.S. war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks.   The invasion of Afghanistan and the […]
The post Second Stage Terror Wars first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The American Cyber Stasi Will Suppress All Digital Dissent In Biden’s Dystopia

CNN's recent report that the US' security services are considering contracting the services of so-called “researchers” as a legal workaround for spying on average Americans confirms that Biden's dystopian hellhole is rapidly moving in the direction of establishing a “Cyber Stasi” for suppressing all digital dissent against the Democrats as they continuing consolidating their de facto one-party rule of the country.

We can defeat the corporate media’s war to snuff out independent journalism

My talk at the International Festival of Whistleblowing, Dissent and Accountability on May 8. Transcript below. I wanted to use this opportunity to talk about my experiences over the past two decades working with new technology as an independent freelance journalist, one who abandoned – or maybe more accurately, was abandoned by – what we […]

Waiting for the Cyber-Apocalypse

The Cold War Has Already Turned Hot — on the Internet America has a serious infrastructure problem. Maybe when I say that what comes to mind are all the potholes on your street. Or the dismal state of public transportation in your city. Or crumbling bridges all over the country. But that’s so twentieth century of you. America’s most urgent[Read More...]

Netflix lobotomise le cerveau de nos enfants

Soutenu par les "Big Tree", les trois plus gros gérants de fonds américains que sont BlackRock, Vanguard et Slate Street, Netflix figure en bonne place parmi les GAFAM avec ses 203,7 millions d'abonnés. Non content de diffuser un large panel de films ou séries, l'entreprise réalise aussi ses propres productions : "Orange is the New Black" série étiquetée "pro-LGBT" remporte, par exemple, un succès phénoménal, au point d'être le programme le plus regardé de la (...)


Netflix lobotomise le cerveau de nos enfants

Soutenu par les "Big Tree", les trois plus gros gérants de fonds américains que sont BlackRock, Vanguard et Slate Street, Netflix figure en bonne place parmi les GAFAM avec ses 203,7 millions d'abonnés. Non content de diffuser un large panel de films ou séries, l'entreprise réalise aussi ses propres productions : "Orange is the New Black" série étiquetée "pro-LGBT" remporte, par exemple, un succès phénoménal, au point d'être le programme le plus regardé de la (...)
