
NBC allegedly admits US supporting militants against Russian troops in Crimea

Two months ago an unverified report surfaced, promoted by California Democrat and Trump-Derangement Syndrome victim Representative Adam Schiff, that stated that Russians were paying bounties to the Taliban for the killing of American soldiers in Afghanistan. That report went into the great cloud of unknowing… until now. Now, the Russian side is upset about something else in this report. The Russian Embassy to the United States shows this on its Facebook page:

Why doesn’t President Trump just send in the troops? A soldier explains

Kurt Schlichter penned an excellent piece for that gives very clear explanation for a question that has no doubt been on many conservatives’ minds: Why doesn’t the President just do what he threatens, send in the Guard and shut these riots down for good? We know those cowards will not challenge the military!

Donald Trump must learn from the mistakes of Ukraine’s Viktor Yanukovych

On the 21st of February, 2014, the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych signed a deal with his political opponents calling for early elections, a return to the previous constitution (in force from 2004-10) and a timeline to draft a new constitution. The deal was brokered by Germany, Poland and France, three countries which self-evidently did not have stability in the country as one of their goals.

What Happens After Cops Start Getting Shot?

(TFC Op-Ed) Washington, DC – The airwaves are full of pundits screaming about violence against police officers. These are the same pundits that disregarded the warnings of experts in the field of insurgency when the Ferguson riots broke out and chose to dismiss the rioters as “thugs.” They continued to cheerlead for more police militarization even after the first officers were shot in targeted killings.

Reportage et micro-trottoir à la manifestation du 3 mai à Paris

Le Mardi 3 Mai 2016, jour de l’entrée en débat du « projet de loi visant à instituer de nouvelles libertés et de nouvelles protection pour les entreprises et les actifs » à l’Assemblée Nationale, avait lieu un rassemblement contre ledit projet, partant de Montparnasse pour se finir aux Invalides ; ce fût l’occasion pour nous de réaliser un micro-trottoir. Nous sommes donc allés à la rencontre de participants pour leur poser les questions suivantes :
– Pourquoi venir aujourd’hui ?