
Purple Bread is Being Hailed as the First Baked Superfood

If you love white bread but avoid it because of the carbs and lack of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, yet the texture of wholegrain bread turns you off, purple bread might be the answer for you.
Purple bread is being hailed as the first baked superfood. Professor Zhou Weibiao, a food scientist at the National University of Singapore, says that bread has been “under attack” for 10 years. That’s because white bread is digested too fast, causes blood sugar spikes, and is linked to obesity and diabetes.

Here is How Candida May Actually Cause Cancer

For many years, the only known link between Candida spp. infections, and cancer was that it is an opportunistic pathogen taking advantage of the immune system damage caused by chemo. Recently, new research has found that Candida albicans can actually also promote cancer by producing carcinogens, causing inflammation, increasing the response of Th17 cells, and molecular mimicry of our own immune cells.

Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells, Admits the U.S. National Cancer Institute

National legalization of marijuana may be drawing a smidgeon closer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), one of the federal government sponsored agencies, has just updated the FAQs on its website to include recent studies on marijuana showing that it can and has killed cancer cells.
These are the findings of studies NCI have included:

6 of the Best Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis number in the hundreds. If they really worked so well, you have to ask yourself – why do we need so many? There are numerous natural remedies for arthritis that are just as beneficial for reducing the pain and swelling which causes arthritis, specifically, from the root cause of inflammation in the body.

Study: Drinking This Often Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Drinking coffee could cut the risk of Type 2 diabetes, according to a new study that reinforces the previously discovered ability of the caffeinated beverage to reduce inflammation and prevent the disease.
Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos of Harokopio University’s Department of Nutrition and Dietetics in Athens, Greece, and his colleagues recruited 1,300 men and women over the age of 18 and categorized them into three groups:

4 of the Best Natural Pain Relievers – Try Them All!

We all suffer from various aches and pains, and many of us are direly familiar with the serious dangers that pharmaceutical interventions like painkillers bring to the table. That’s why we decided to compile a list of the 4 of the best natural pain relievers that actually work. The best part? These natural solutions also come with a host of other benefits, from anti-cancer properties to enhanced immunity.

4 Ways This Food Crushes Cancer and Inflammation in Your Body

Spring is here! And with it comes more affordable asparagus. This succulent vegetable has been prized since ancient times for its medicinal benefits as well as its terrific taste. It’s even been a staple in Ayurvedic medicine. Why has it been so popular through the years? Have people used asparagus for cancer? Indeed, asparagus is a potent cancer fighter on a par with broccoli, and many people think it tastes a whole lot better.