income disparity

Since Trump Occupied The White House, Income Disparity Between The Very Rich And The Rest Of Us Has Gotten Worse

The Census Bureau released a report late last week that shows income and wealth inequality worsening and the gap between the 1% and everyone else widening. Every year Trump has been in office that gap has gotten worse which makes complete sense considering his policies.The gap between the richest and poorest...

It’s Not the Dow, Stupid! Underpaid Workforce Imperils US and Global Economies

NEW YORK — “It’s Not a Roar,” read the first-edition headline for the New York Times business article published January 27, “but the Global Economy is Finally Making Noise.”
A death rattle, perhaps?
Try as they may, the mainstream media simply cannot prepare for public viewing the gaping wound to the head that murdered the U.S. economy. Never mind the Dow, the Fed Funds rate, or Apple’s latest earnings report, the cause of death is really quite simple: work is underpaid.

World’s Richest One Percent Capture Twice As Much Income Growth As The Bottom Half

The inaugural World Inequality Report published on Thursday by economists Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman, Facundo Alvaredo and Lucas Chancel documents the rise in global income and wealth inequality since 1980. The report covers up to 2016, leaving out the last year, in which the stock market has soared on the expectation that the US will enact massive tax[Read More...]

Malibu And Beverly Hills Are Not Tanzania, Not Yet Anyway

If we've become inured to the plight of our own countrymen being kicked out of their own homes by predatory banksters, something tells me not too many Americans rushed to the Tanzanian embassy at 1232 22nd St NW in DC or to the consulate at 201 East 42nd Street in Manhattan to protest the eviction of 40,000 Masai from their ancestral homeland bordering the world-famous Serengeti national park, to make room for a Dubai royal family private hunting preserve.

Too Many Millionaires In The Class War Against American Democracy?

No one likes the tax collector; no one ever has. But the anti-IRS hysteria generated by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Congress' richest (and most crooked) Member, was way beyond the ginned up Tea Party Scandal merited-- even by right wing standards of hollow victimology and martyrdom. But it was never very difficult to figure out why they worked so hard to undermine the IRS and delegitimize its authority-- and slash its budget.

Economic inequality will become a thing of the past with a wave of the magic wand at the Masters of the Universe World Economic Hoedown in the Alpine Fairyland of Davos,

The Alpine Fairyland of Davos, site of the Mastersof the Universe Annual World Economic Hoedown"[J]ust days after a stunning report was issued by Oxfam saying that the 85 richest people in the world are as wealthy as the poorest half of the global population, or about 3.5 billion people[,] a good chunk of those 85 are likely to be fretting on the slopes about this horrible state of affairs."-- Al Kamen, in his

Income Disparity In America-- Through The Roof... Worse Than Ever... Or Anywhere

You probably don't remember the Roaring Twenties. Conservative Republicans, corruption beyond anything ever seen in America and a haughty empowered plutocracy ruled America with an iron first. And brought on the Great Depression. FDR helped rebalance the American equation. A series of corporate-oriented presidents-- surrounded by a corporate-sponsored ruling elite-- has chipped away at almost everything FDR accomplished-- and they're working full speed to get whatever is left. Reagan, the Bushs, Clinton, Obama have all been dreadful presidents, among the worst in history.