
Substitutionary Atonement? Christology, Essence – Energy BK III – Ep 9 – Jay Dyer (Half)

We return to Defense of the Orthodox Faith, Book III to demonstrate the obvious teaching of St. John the essence-energy distinction directly impacts Christology, which directly impacts sacramentology and the doctrine of deification (as opposed to created grace in Rome). We also see how the doctrine refutes similar errors in Protestantism, including their heretical Nestorian atonement doctrine. We will also touch in the lack of any gnomic will in Christ and how this relates to proper anthropology and the doctrine of grace.


Logos, Creation and the Wisdom of God – Jay Dyer

If you like this analysis, purchase signed copies of my book in the shop!
By: Jay Dyer
“1 In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”

Genesis Vs Atheism & Paganism – Introduction to Theology – Jay Dyer (Half)

7 days of creation and Genesis 1 must be myths, right? Merely Carl Jung style “archetypes”? Isn’t the Bible just like all the other ancient near eastern religions? Didn’t monotheism evolve from polytheism? No, no, and no to all. No. In this talk we set our view over against the incoherent meaninglessness of modernity and scientism and paganism – all made foolish in Genesis itself. Hour 2 is available for subscribers to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links.
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Introduction to Orthodox Philosophy: The Icon Documentary

I am often asked for a basic approach to my philosophy and worldview: Given our immersion in an image-dominated culture which is rapidly moving away from the necessary skills of reading and comprehension, the irony of the loss of literacy will likely lead to something akin to older iconographic importance for mass audiences.  We already see this trend with the popularity of Instagram and memes – another version of pale attempts at icons.

JaysAnalysis w/Fr Moody: Orthodox Theology, Roman Catholicism, Thomism & Palamas

This is the free first hour, while the full interview is for paid subscribers.  To hear the full interview, subscribe here for 4.95 a month with access to the archives.   Note: There was a technical issue in terms of sound for the first 20 minutes, but this gets corrected. Fr. Chris Moody is a Greek Orthodox Chaplain for the Army whose scholarly focus is the works of St.