Immigration and Customs Enforcement

US Veteran Who Served Two Tours In Afghanistan Facing Deportation

Miguel Perez, Jr., 38, is facing deportation to Mexico, despite his permanent resident status and his service in the Army, after he was convicted in 2010 on a non-violent drug charge.
An injured U.S. veteran who served two tours of duty in Afghanistan faces deportation to Mexico after a Chicago judge ordered his deportation on Sunday.

Protests Erupt as Longtime Arizona Resident and Mother Hauled Off in Deportation Van

(COMMONDREAMSGuadalupe García de Rayos, a decades-long resident of Phoenix, Arizona and mother of two, was unceremoniously arrested and hauled away in a deportation van late Wednesday, one of the first deportations of an undocumented immigrant with no violent record to occur under President Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant executive

US Houses Of Worship Create ‘Underground Railroad’ For Undocumented Immigrants

In this photo taken on Aug. 28, 2011, undocumented immigrant Maria Romero, holds her 8-month-old daughter Crista while she reads her Bible during a Disciples of Christ Sunday worship service. (AP/Nick Oza)
(REPORT) — A new kind of “underground railroad” for undocumented immigrants is seeing a rebirth since Donald Trump was elected into office.