
There’s Something Much Bigger Going On Here | Dr. Robert Malone 2022

source While MSM continues stuffing your face full with wall-to-wall coverage of Ukraine, unelected technocrats in your own backyard are acting in collusion with corrupt, compromised politicians to whittle-down & permanently eliminate every single Constitutional Right and civil liberty you as a citizen have ever known, enjoyed and reasonably come to expect from living within […]

The Petite Bourgeoisie Wage Covid-19 Psychological Warfare on Us Proles

 Personally speaking, I am, quite sick of the Petite Bourgeoisie ignoring, ridiculing or downplaying the hardship many of us are experiencing due to the "pandemic" All the while using manipulative to the extreme media saturation to shame, guilt and utterly terrorize the population.Not for tender ears. Scott is angry and rightfully so.

Jasun Horsley & James Corbett: The Robo-Nanny State

Well, I've got to admit this interview was a real treat for me!Jasun Horsley's site has been linked in the sidebar for some time now. If you missed it? Here it is again: Auticulture This interview gives me the opportunity to mention Jasun's latest book. Which, I just so happened to have finished reading a couple of months back. Was it thought provoking, interesting and imminently readable? Yes, it was.Is it recommended?

Excessive Screen Time Leads to Developmental Delays in Children

Not just poorly developed socials skills. Poor motor skills. Poor Language Skills.Poor emotional development. Can't think (reason or problem solve) Humans need to interact with actual living breathing humans. And the environment.In my opinion the human condition is already dire. I  see the children that can’t communicate. That don’t make eye contactThat are staring at their parent’s smart phones-  Or the parent's staring at their smart phones and not interacting with their children.