Independence Day, Transformers, Stargate, Fifth Element & More! Jay & Jamie

 Alien January concludes in February with more of the alien blockbusters like ID4, Transformers, Stargate, and Fifth Element, as well as some of the lesser known films like Dark Skies, and a couple alien documentaries like the “Stan Romanek Story” and “Australian Skies.” To see the full show, subscribe to JaysAnalysis below at the […]

Storm Area 51 MEMES & MOVIES! Jay Dyer

In this video I cover the fact that probably most rationally certainly we were seeded here by alien overlords. I then look at the best Area 51 memes and the problems of methane from cows according to Gary Busey, and then move to cover 5 alien UFO films from different decades. The Day the the Earth Stood Still, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Arrival with Chuck Sheen, Indedendence Day, Paul and Childhood’s End a bit. Mind = blowed.