Ian Welsh

"Will anyone go to jail for this? No." (Ian Welsh on contamination-by-fracking of drought-stricken California's water supply)

"Clean water is one of California’s most crucial resources, and these documents make it clear that state regulators have utterly failed to protect our water from oil industry pollution. Much more testing is needed to gauge the full extent of water pollution and the threat to public health.

Ian Welsh on "countries which cannot produce what the rest of the world needs, nor produce what they need"

"Countries which cannot produce what the rest of the world needs, nor produce what they need, are always in great danger from other nations which can cut them off.  They give up power over their own fate."-- Ian Welsh, in the post "Japan refusesto eliminate agricultural tariffs, and spikes the TPP"by KenThe Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) has been giving off nasty vibes th

Just what we need now is "Big Dick" Cheney and his ilk polluting public discourse with their plug-ignorant lies and delusions

And these lies and imbecilities come from a scumbag who should be living out the rest of his wretched existence in prison for his war crimes and crimes against humanity.by KenIt can't be easy to be Dick Cheney. Even now, at his advanced age, in his precarious state of health, there are so many lies left to tell -- and so little time to tell them in.

Meanwhile in Egypt . . .

Field Marshall Abdel al-Sisi: Things are just working out for him!by KenSince just at this second the right-wing mental defectives who specialize in hysterically bellicose mentally defective foreign-policy crackpottery aren't getting much traction from the "Who lost Egypt?" motif (not while the "Who lost Syria?" and "Who wussed out on Iran?" and "Who's losing Ukraine?" motives make for eye-catchinger loony tunes), Egypt has sort off dropped over the side of the flat earth.So things