Historical Realism

Persecuted French Revisionist Hervé Ryssen Speaks Out

I found this incredible and inspiring video via Renegade Tribune and wanted to share it here. Hervé Ryssen, the speaker in the video and a well-known French revisionist and writer, has written a number of controversial books dealing with Jewish power and criminality, “anti-Semitism”, the fake “Holocaust” narrative, and other taboo topics, many of which are available from The Barnes Review.

A Brief Look At Two (((TV Miniseries))) That Have Instilled Weaponized Historical Narratives

I’ve often argued that our collective historical narrative has been weaponized against White people by the organized Jewish community, academia, and the mass media and “entertainment” industry centered in (((Hollywood))). Two historical narratives in particular have been entirely distorted and falsified in order to demonize and slander White people and our accomplishments as well as delegitimize any form of pro-White racial identity: the narrative explaining African slavery in early American history and the official narrative explaining WWII and the purported Jewish “Holocaust”.

U.S. Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Ensure “Holocaust Survivors” Receive Restitution

Ursula Haverbeck, the courageous and honorable German truth-teller and patriot who has been tyrannical persecuted and harassed by German authorities for simply raising questions and expressing her views about WWII, once stated that the fake “Holocaust” narrative “is the biggest and most persistent lie in history.”

3-D Holograms of “Holocaust Survivors” Now A Reality

Are kids really taking this 3-D hologram “Holocaust survivor” stuff seriously? How ridiculous!
The fake “Holocaust” narrative is, in my opinion, the linchpin of the entire New World Order agenda. The foundational narrative of our recent collective history – the past 100 years or so – is largely centered around WWII and the so called “Holocaust”. The “Holocaust,” and those purportedly responsible for it, are represented as the epitome of evil.

Discussing Adolf Hitler with Brian Ruhe

Brian Ruhe, a good friend of mine who is doing excellent video interviews on his YouTube channel, sent me the following video yesterday. I found it to be a very well made video, and the discussion we had, which was originally broadcast on September 28, 2015, is worth listening to once again.

Here is another great video interview I did with Brian on December 18, 2015. Again, this one is well worth your time, in my opinion.