Heritage Foundation

On Which Garbage Heap Will Jim DeMint Turn Up Next?

Who remembers Jim DeMint? He was an ad guy in Greenville, South Carolina who was elected to the House in 1998 and then the Senate in 2004. He was a Tea Party guy before there was a Tea Party and was the staunchest proponent of ending Social Security and of reactionary politics in general while he served in Congress, often a pariah among establishment Republicans.

Desperate Drug War Beneficiaries Spread Marijuana Legalization Disinformation

Ron Paul Institute | September 6, 2014 While local and state governments continue moving forward with reducing and eliminating restrictions and penalties regarding marijuana, drug war beneficiaries are desperately responding by spreading disinformation. One such effort is the Rocky Mountain High-Intensity Drug Traffic Area August report “The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado: The Impact.” The […]

Australia’s libertarian senator, David Leyonhjelm

Australia’s ahead of Canada, in getting its first explicitly libertarian parliamentarian — Senator David Leyonhjelm. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, given Australia’s high Economic Freedom Index rating for several years in a row by the Heritage Foundation, with its 2014 rating of third place compared to Canada in sixth place and the […]

Oh, Canada! Canada holds 6th place, U.S. drops off top 10 list of most economically free nations in 2014

Canada has held its sixth place ranking out of 178 ranked countries in the conservative Heritage Foundation’s 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, with an overall score of 80.2 in the free category, with the U.S. dropping to 12th place, with an overall score of 75.5 in the mostly free category. Canada exceeds the United States […]