Henrique Capriles Radonski

Venezuela, juin 2017 : Incendie du Tribunal Suprême de Justice, poursuites contre la procureure générale. Que se passe-t-il vraiment ?

Le 13 juin, un groupe armé de cocktails Molotov incendie un bâtiment du Tribunal Suprême de Justice à Caracas
Le 13 juin 2017, des manifestants cagoulés ont incendié un bâtiment du Tribunal Suprême de Justice du Venezuela à Caracas, à coups de cocktails Molotov. Le 21 juin, les membres de ce même Tribunal Suprême de Justice ont autorisé des poursuites contre la procureure générale du pays, Luisa Ortega Diaz.

Venezuela’s Supreme Court blocks regime change

In another blow against American attempts to rig democratic processes, the Supreme Court of Venezuela has annulled the impeachment of socialist President Nicholas Maduro. This represents a big setback for American puppet opposition leader Henrique Capriles Radonski, who has pushed hard to erode Bolivarism in the only OPEC member with a socialist government (honourable mention to Algeria in this respect).

Henrique Capriles: The Prefabricated Leader

By Ronald Muñoz – Ciudad CCS – May 19, 2013

Never before in the history of Venezuela has a politician been so promoted and supported by the media as Henrique Capriles has been, and now more than ever. Never before has a politician received so much coverage, and such fawning attention from the media, especially given that we are talking about someone who isn’t even president.

Capriles Formally Contests Elections Before Venezuela’s Supreme Court

By Chris Carlson | Venezuelanalysis | May 2, 2013

Maracaibo – Representatives from the electoral campaign of ex-presidential candidate Henrique Capriles formally contested last month’s elections before Venezuela’s Supreme Court today.
The legal procedure submitted to the court has the objective of annulling April’s presidential elections in which Henrique Capriles lost to Nicolas Maduro by less than 2 points, and to allow for the elections to be repeated.

Auditing Process Begins in Venezuela amid Opposition Claims of “Lies” and “Persecution”

By Tamara Pearson | Venezuelanalysis |  April 30, 2013

Merida  – As Venezuela’s electoral organisation begins auditing the 14 April elections, ex-opposition candidate Henrique Capriles has announced his team will not participate, Spain has offered to mediate the “conflict”, and the arrest of retired general Antonio Rivero has been met with accusations of “political persecution”.
Auditing process