
Wimping out or saving face? Biden walks back “Killer Putin” rhetoric [Video]

The American media, particularly conservative outlets like Fox News and even Next News Network (videos from each shown below), are in the throes of a problem: How to outline Imposter Joe’s weakness without crediting President Vladimir Putin where credit is due? The two men are scheduled to meet today, June 16th, and in fact that […]

President Trump defies his own hawkish administration, refuses new sanctions against Russia

President Donald Trump has made a new move, which is simply NOT to move in pressing new sanctions against the Russian Federation in regards to their support of the Syrian regime under President Bashar al-Assad. This move came as a surprise, because only hours before the US envoy to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, was presenting the move for such new and severe sanctions against Russia.
Sputnik News reports that White House Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders announced that the imposition of new sanctions was being placed on hold.
This naturally produced a media firestorm.

The Frightening Pro-War Twist Of The Democrats ‘Resistance’

The Resistance, a self-aggrandizing term for what amounts to a relatively small but still powerful claque of embittered Clinton surrogates, has been keeping itself busy of late, fanning the flames of McCarthyite recriminations against anyone who dares question the rather flimsy public evidence that Russia influenced the results of the 2016 election, all the while cheering on President Trump’s expansion of the war in Syria.

Mandarin for the Warlords: The Harvard School of Empire Building

James Petras Takes on high-level-hardline military hawk Harvard professor Joseph Nye
Introduction: Harvard professor Joseph Nye, a former senior Pentagon functionary, is one of the longest serving and most influential advisers to US empire building officials. Nye has recently re-affirmed the primacy of the US as a world power in his latest book, Is the American Century Over? And his article, ‘The American Century will survive the Rise of China’ (Financial Times, 3/26/15, p. 7).