
Porkins Policy Radio 179 New 9/11 warnings unearthed and Russiagate revelations with Jon Gold

This week research Jon Gold joined me to talk about some of recent revelations regarding the 9/11 coverup. We started off with some breaking news out of Guantanamo regarding the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others, and alleged recordings of them speaking about the 9/11 attacks months before they happened. Jon and I discussed the significance of these recordings and why they have been hidden from the public and defense lawyers at the military tribunal.

The Lawlessness of William Barr, America’s New Top Law Enforcement Official

WASHINGTON — Congress’ confirmation of William Barr as Attorney General for the United States on Thursday has come and gone with comparatively little commotion compared to that attending his predecessor, Jeff Sessions, or Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Most media attention fixated on the potential for Barr to undermine the work of his former colleague and close collaborator, Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Hunger Striking Protesters Condemn Trump, Haspel, and Call for Gitmo’s Closure on its 17th Anniversary

Friday marked the 17th anniversary of the opening of the United States prison compound in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. President Barack Obama failed to fulfill his promise of closing the facility and little attention has since been given to the issue by the Trump administration, but activists continue to work behind the scenes to shut down what they call the “moral abomination.”

Political reformers will wallow in futility until they take aim at the real enemy

By Greg Felton | August 31, 2018 According to the Russian proverb, “Repetition is the mother of learning.” This positive message of perseverance and practice is doubtless known to every Russian schoolchild; however, it is a lost on reform-minded American politicians. Those who promise and fail to bring about fundamental reform show little capacity to […]

With Gina Haspel Nomination Looming, Here’s A Brief History of American Torture

American torture is back in the news again as Gina Haspel, President Donald Trump’s pick to head the Central Intelligence Agency, prepares for what could be a rocky Senate confirmation hearing with some tough questions about her role overseeing a secret torture prison in Thailand and destroying tapes of brutal detainee interrogation sessions.

Newsbud Breaking News- RQ Construction to Build A Contingency Mass Migration Complex In Guantánamo Bay!

On Thursday, 22 February 2018, RQ Construction LLC received over $23 million from the Pentagon to build a Contingency Mass Migration Complex at Naval Station Guantánamo Bay (NSGB). RQ Construction is tasked with designing and constructing buildings, roads, parking lots, and electrical systems. With its headquarters in Carlsbad, California, RQ Construction is no stranger to work […]

New Defense Strategy: War With Great Nations and Arms Race

This week, following the recent announcement of a new National Defense Strategy that focuses on conflicts with great powers and a new arms race, the Pentagon announced an escalation of nuclear weapons development. The United States’ military is spread across the world, including several dangerous conflict areas that could develop into an all-out war, possibly in conflict with China or Russia.