Grenfell tower

Episode #192 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘State-Sponsored Inferno’ with Neil Clark, David Scott and Guests

Episode #192 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this July 2nd, 2017 as guest host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week’s LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network
5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12am PT (US)

The Poison of Commercialization and Social Injustice

In cities and towns from New Delhi to New York the socio-political policies that led to the Grenfell Tower disaster in west London are being repeated: redevelopment and gentrification, the influx of corporate money and the expelling of the poor, including families that have lived in an area for generations. To this, add austerity, the privatization of public services and the annihilation of social housing and a cocktail of interconnected causes takes shape.

Boris Johnson and the Grenfell Tower inferno

Last year, a report by Lancaster University statistician Dr. Benjamin Taylor found that Johnson’s cuts had led to deaths. Analysing response-time data to 24,000 house fire call-outs between 2012 and 2015, Taylor found that the average time in some areas before the fire stations were shut was “well under five minutes,” whereas some stations afterwards were taking up to 10 minutes to respond.
The post Boris Johnson and the Grenfell Tower inferno appeared first on BSNEWS.

Fear and loathing in third world London

Large towers with flammable cladding similar to that which ignited the now gutted Grenfell Tower in west London have been evacuated.
The evacuation came without prior notice, leaving many families forced to sleep communally on the floors of local spots centres.

Air beds being laid out in Swiss Cottage leisure centre for evacuated Chalcots residents
— Billy McLennan (@williammclennan) June 23, 2017

Grenfell Tower and the Search for Truth

This article is dedicated to all those who search for a full understanding of the tragedy at Grenfell Tower, both official and unofficial investigators. Most of all, it is for the survivors of the inferno, and the friends and relatives of those who were lost. It is offered in the hope that it will help you find the right questions to ask.
The post Grenfell Tower and the Search for Truth appeared first on BSNEWS.

The ‘DAY of RAGE’ in London and the Very Dubious Connotations…

Seriously? A ‘Day of Rage’? The problem I have with this protest in London is two-fold. The first is wanting to ‘bring down the government’ (according to the event page on Facebook), which is totally wrongheaded. And I say this as someone who generally supports Jeremy Corbyn. The second reason is much more ominous to […]