
US Congressional Resolution Calls for Annulling the Monroe Doctrine and Ending Sanctions

Now, 200 years after President James Monroe first promulgated his dictate giving the Yankees dominion of the rest of the hemisphere, a congressional resolution calls for annulling the Monroe Doctrine and replacing it with a “new good neighbor” policy. The intent is to “foster improved relations and deeper, more effective cooperation” with our neighbor nations. […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 190 Black Budget with Folie a deux

This week Folie à Deux joined me to discuss Black Budget, the new comic series he wrote and illustrated. The discussion opened talking about the comic itself, which addresses mind control and MK Ultra. The history of MK Ultra and other government-sponsored programs fill the discourse and the book. We also discussed how this topic is covered in the alternative media and conspiracy culture. Later some of the hidden messages and Easter eggs throughout Black Budget are revealed.

The Long March to Post-Capitalist Transition: Pan-Africanist Perspectives

The following talk was given by Ameth Lô in a French-language panel, “L’aurore de notre libération,” in Montreal on May 20, 2018, at “The Great Transition: Preparing a World Beyond Capitalism.”
The centenary of the October 1917 Russian revolution, a world-shaking historic event, was an occasion for celebration throughout the world.

Shakespeare said it best

Much ado about nothing.
That’s the “Russian interference” in the 2016 American election.
A group of Russians operating from a building in St. Petersburg, we are told in a February 16 US government indictment, sent out tweets, Facebook and YouTube postings, etc. to gain support for Trump and hurt Clinton even though most of these messages did not even mention Trump or Clinton; and many were sent out before Trump was even a candidate.

5 Forgotten Instances Of US Regime Change

A protester holds up an poster of Uncle Sam during a rally protesting U.S. regime change efforts in Venezuela at the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela. (AP/Ariana Cubillos)
Some anniversaries are widely observed in the West: Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, Holocaust Memorial Day, the September 11 atrocities, and so on. Yet there are other undesirable anniversaries that have been largely disappeared.