Green Party

Green Party Assembles Circular Firing Squad With its Support of Mandated COVID-19 Jabs

On December 8th the Green’s nine-member Steering Committee, its administrative arm, released a press statement in support of mandatory Covid-19 […]
The post Green Party Assembles Circular Firing Squad With its Support of Mandated COVID-19 Jabs appeared first on CovertAction Magazine.

NO EXCUSES. Especially for “trifecta” states!

Florence Nightingale, social reformer, statistician (!), and the founder of modern nursing, said, “I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse.” Her “no excuses” policy seems like a great lesson for everyone, but don’t get me wrong. I know very well there are reasons — systemic reasons — that affect […]

Forget Wars on Covid and Terror: War on Climate Collapse Is the Only War of Necessity for Human Survival

Mythology of humans’ natural impulse for empathy Warfare has been a plague haunting the human species ever since our evolution to become Homo Sapiens, finally, around 300,000 years ago in Africa. Etymologically, homo means human and sapiens means wise or knowledgeable. One can see that in this 18th century anthropocentric characterization of our species, the […]

Put the Banks Under State Control!

In recent years, the ripping off of customers, deceit and even outright fraud practiced by Australian finance sector businesses has gained much attention. Four years ago it was revealed how CommInsure, the insurance arm of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), had refused to make promised life insurance payments to heart attack survivors. They “justified” […]
The post Put the Banks Under State Control! first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Germany’s Green Party poised to take over after Merkel

Germany’s Green Party poised to take over after Merkel The Duran: Episode 950 Could a Green Party chancellor lead Germany? Annalena Baerbock will run in the coming election, and polls suggest there is rising support for the Greens as climate concerns mount. Could a Green Party chancellor lead Germany? Annalena Baerbock will run in the […]

 The Democrats Just Helped the Greens!

  Being a conspiracy theorist, except for some of the Q-Anon sidetracking, this writer sees clearer than most. For many, the choices around events can be defined as ‘ Glass being half full’ or ‘ Glass being half empty’. Perhaps the reality may be that there is NO glass with fluid, just the illusion. Well, my ‘ Not so favorite’[Read More...]

No, You Don’t Have To Vote for Trump or Biden. Here Are a Few Third-Party Candidates and How They’ve Been Censored

 “The lesser evil paves the way to the greater evil. It’s not in opposition to it. It makes way for it.” -- Former Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein
The post No, You Don’t Have To Vote for Trump or Biden. Here Are a Few Third-Party Candidates and How They’ve Been Censored appeared first on MintPress News.

Green Voter Guide – YES on 15 – Stop Trump reactions!

BALLOTS AND VOTER GUIDES Mail-in ballots will be arriving soon. For everyone in California they’ll be sent the week of October 6. The highly regarded Green Voter Guide published by the Green Party of Alameda includes endorsements for the California state propositions. The “voter card” summary and a PDF of the entire publication are found […]