the good

Post-Modernism, Fake ART & Aesthetic Theory – Jay Dyer on COTEL 20k Stream

I join COTEL and others for a chat on his 20k stream that ends up focusing on aesthetics and how the true, the good and the beautiful are objective categories. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access […]

Proof for God In 15 Minutes?

Can Theism be established logically? Is there a simple presentation of the transcendental argument that can be had in 15 minutes? In this video I attempt to boil down the presuppositional argument to a brief comparison and contrast with the atheist/secularist/materialist worldview as a test case. Logically the non-theist only has a limited number of paths it can take from its starting point. Early on, Sir Sceptic challenges this argument with his refined logic skills.

Lost Name of God? The Divine Names of St Dionysius Areopagite – Jay Dyer (Partial)

The writings of St Dionysius the Areopagite are some of the most famous and controversial in the history of theology and philosophy. However, most forget to dissect the actual text itself, being caught up in the debates about authenticity. In this talk we look at the treatise titled The Divine Names and uncover how it’s possible to speak of God, what is apophatic theology, how did St Dionysius speak of logoi, the energies of God in Dionysius and much more! Full talks are available by subscribing at the purchase membership page.