German Economy

Germany’s dismal election

On Sunday Germany votes in an election from which Chancellor Merkel’s CDU party is universally expected to remain the largest but which none of the underlying problems which affect Germany have been addressed.
One of the problems involved in discussing Germany is that the image of the country as a runaway economic success story is so powerful that it makes objective analysis of its problems difficult.

Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 143

German Economics & Syriza's Dismal Options
Building on the previous podcast's discussion of Greece and Europe's crisis, this episode examines German economic orthodoxy, known as Ordoliberalism, and the effects this has on German policy and strategy, as well as that of the European Central Bank. In addition, this episode examines the context of Syriza's decision to capitulate to Germany and the Troika in negotiations over a third bailout. What are Syriza's options to get out of this mess?
Listen to the full episode here: