George Soros

Prosecutors Warn that Los Angeles District Attorney Gascon’s Decision to Downsize the Hardcore Gangs Prosecution Unit Is a Disaster

County Sheriff's Department issued a statement following the news: "...This can only serve to add gasoline to a raging fire of gang violence that threatens the safety of all. This is not reform, it’s beginning to look more and more like a suicide pact."

Coup-supporting academics spread lies to censor The Grayzone reporting exposing Ecuador’s pseudo-left candidate Yaku Pérez

A group of academics have circulated a lie-filled open letter aimed at censoring The Grayzone’s reporting on Ecuador’s pseudo-progressive candidate Yaku Pérez. Several of its signatories supported the far-right military coup in Bolivia in 2019 and backed Venezuela’s US-appointed proxy Juan Guaidó. A collection of coup-supporting academics are lobbying to censor The Grayzone’s factual journalism exposing Ecuador’s presidential candidate Yaku Pérez.

The Tycoon Plot

By ISRAEL SHAMIR • Unz Review • February 11, 2021 Millionaires want to make money. Billionaires want to make history. We may add that multi-billionaires take it further; they want mankind to adapt to their needs and wishes. As for people who control trillions, why, they care about our wishes as much as we care […]

Defunding the Myths and Cults of Cold War Canada

For decades the Canadian government has been supporting East European émigré associations whose much-revered founders, leaders and war heroes include veterans of Waffen SS divisions and other fascist military formations, perpetrators of the Holocaust and other ethnic-cleansing campaigns, officials from and apologists for Nazi puppet regimes, postwar CIA propaganda assets, proponents of Cold War terrorist […]

Tucker Carlson CRUSHES SOROS & LA District Attorney George Gascón

Tucker Carlson CRUSHES SOROS & LA District Attorney George Gascón ****News Topic 207***** Tucker Carlson takes a deep dive into the nation’s most important elections that impact our lives — but since few media outlets pay attention, a small group of radicals have had huge influence. Look at what George Soros has done — he’s […]

The British Hand Behind America’s Color Revolution: Soros and Lord Malloch Brown

From the Canadian Patriot Review Canadian Patriot editor Matthew Ehret discusses the ongoing US Color Revolution with a focus on George Soros, Dominion voting systems, Smartmatic and Soros’ globalist bosom buddy Lord Mark Malloch Brown who has just become President of Soros’ Open Society Institutes on December 4th. Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot […]