George H. W. Bush

Les dénégations de Bush père le 41e lors de la Surprise d’octobre. Par Robert Parry

Source : Consortium News, Robert Parry, 03-12-2018
« Nier tout ». Le traître britannique Kim Philby a dit que c’était un moyen pour les puissants de bluffer suite à leurs crimes, ce que George H.W. Bush savait quand il a nié ses propres accusations de quasi trahison dans l’affaire Surprise d’octobre, a écrit Robert Parry le 4/6/2016.

[2000] George H.W. Bush, la CIA et le dossier du terrorisme d’État. Par Robert Parry

Source : Consortium News, Robert Parry, 23-09-2000
Il y a quarante deux ans, une voiture piégée explosait à Washington tuant l’ancien ministre des affaires étrangères du Chili Orlando Letelier, un acte de terrorisme d’état que la CIA et son directeur George H.W. Bush ont tenté de dissimuler, a rapporté Robert Parry le 23 septembre 2000.

To be Remembered

By Gilad Atzmon | December 4, 2018 George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, died last Friday. President Bush was loved by the Jews. Over the weekend we saw an endless parade of Jewish individuals and organisations paying homage to Bush for his commitment to Israel and to the Jews. The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) described […]

The Invasion Of Panama And The Proclamation of a Lone Superpower Above The Law

By Matt Peppe |Just the Facts Blog | December 14, 2014 Twenty five years ago, before dawn on December 20, 1989, U.S. forces descended on Panama City and unleashed one of the most violent, destructive terror attacks of the century. U.S. soldiers killed more people than were killed on 9/11. They systematically burned apartment buildings […]

‘War for Oil’ — The Notion That Will Not Die

By Dr. Stephen J Sniegoski | My Catbird Seat | March 11, 2014

Those who claim that the United States went to war for oil seem to assume that since Iraq has huge reserves of oil, gaining control of that resource must have been the reason that the United States invaded the country. As the most prominent intellectual exponent of that view, Noam Chomsky, has put it:

Misread Telexes Led Analysts to See Iran Nuclear Arms Programme

By Gareth Porter | IPS | February 5, 2014

When Western intelligence agencies began in the early 1990s to intercept telexes from an Iranian university to foreign high technology firms, intelligence analysts believed they saw the first signs of military involvement in Iran’s nuclear programme. That suspicion led to U.S. intelligence assessments over the next decade that Iran was secretly pursuing nuclear weapons.