George Clooney

George Clooney may hate Trump, but he hopes Trump “can do a decent job” as US President

It’s no secret that George Clooney was a huge Hillary Clinton surrogate.
And much like all of Hollywood, Clooney is feeling the sting of a Trump victory delivered by a US populace that could care less what stuck up Hollywood liberals preach.

Remember at the Cannes Film Festival last year, when George Clooney said those famous words…

The CIA and Hollywood episode 11 The Men Who Stare at Goats

Jay Dyer joins us for this episode where we analyse the 2009 comedy The Men Who Stare at Goats, loosely based on Jon Ronson’s book of the same name. It tells the story of a journalist who is inducted into the world of psychic soldiers during the Iraq war. The movie goes on to explain some of the history behind the First Earth Battalion, an experimental Pentagon unit devoted to developing a new generation of super soldier informed by the hippy and New Age movements.

The CIA & Hollywood – The Men Who Stare at Goats: Jay w/Tom Secker, Pearse Redmond

From Tom Secker’s site, (and by extension, Pearse’s site Porkin’s Policy Review): “Jay Dyer joins us for this episode where we analyse the 2009 comedy The Men Who Stare at Goats, loosely based on Jon Ronson’s book of the same name.  It tells the story of a journalist who is inducted into the world of psychic soldiers during the Iraq war.  The movie goes on to explain some of the history behind the First Earth Battalion, an experimental Pentagon uni

The CIA and Hollywood episode 10 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

Aaron Franz joins us to discuss the 2002 biopic Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, which tells the story of game show producer and host Chuck Barris. Barris claims that while becoming a TV star he was recruited by and worked for the CIA as an assassin, killing a total of 33 people. In this episode we analyse this claim, which has been dismissed by the Agency as a ludicrous fantasy.

The CIA and Hollywood episode 9 Good Night and Good Luck

We welcome Ed Opperman to the series and discuss the 2005 docudrama Good Night, and Good Luck which retells the story of the 1954 confrontation between senator Joe McCarthy and television journalist Ed Murrow of CBS. McCarthy was pursuing Communists within the State Department and other government agencies and innocent people were getting caught in the crossfire, creating a climate of suspicion, mistrust and hostility.

Politico: Less than 1% of the Hillary Victory Fund Benefited State Parties

Cenk Uygur explains what everyone knows but no one like Chris Cuomo can say out loud. "Of course she's corrupt. They're all corrupt because the system is corrupt." (Note: Cenk is way too kind to Cuomo in this clip, who's not that dumb. He's just well paid to appear so.)   by Gaius PubliusAccording to Politico, of the $60 million raised by and for the Hillary Victory Fund, a PAC jointly controlled by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, less than 1% of the money raised ended up benefiting state Democratic parties.Why does this matter?