The Geopolitical Report with Kurt Nimmo

False Flag Wars: The Gulf of Tonkin

The Gulf of Tonkin incident is the most notorious false flag in American history. It resulted in the death of millions of people. Declassified documents reveal the North Vietnamese did not attack the United States on August 4, 1964. In fact, the CIA, through its South Vietnamese proxy, invaded North Vietnam and the standoff in the Gulf of Tonkin was a result of those illegal covert raids conducted under OPLAN 34A.

Neocons: Who They Are and Why It Matters

President Donald Trump has hijacked the slogan “America First.” Once upon a time, it stood for nonintervention in foreign wars, now it stands for neocon intervention and forever war. The Trump presidency has embraced the neocon ethos of murder and “creative destruction,” based on the teachings of an arcane philosopher, Leo Strauss. The German Jewish emigre believed deception and permanent war are the foundation of the state, a state led by a sociopathic elite. Strauss believed, as Thomas Hobbes before him, that humans are inherently aggressive.

High-Tech Panopticon: CIA, Social Media, and the Surveillance State

The internet, social media, even the so-called Dark Web are a sprawling Panopticon, a prison without cells and bars where we are watched 24-7 by the national security state and its corporate partners. The NSA and the intelligence community were deeply involved in the creation of the internet and later social media and the Google search engine. By the mid-1990s, the supercomputing community had migrated from universities to Silicon Valley and along with them the NSA and the CIA.

Abraham Lincoln, Father of the American War State

The cultural Marxists and Identity Left are actively attempting to obliterate history by demanding the removal of Confederate statues and symbols. Thanks to government education and books written by historical revisionists, most Americans believe the so-called Civil War was fought to free the slaves. The Civil War, more accurately called the War for Southern Independence, was primarily about the Constitution and secession. It was about tariffs. Abraham Lincoln was a staunch supporter of high protective tariffs.

Tell Me Lies- The Establishment Media is the Grand Master of Fake News

ABC News anchor Brian Ross has dealt a blow to the establishment media and its effort to marginalize independent and alternative news. Ross falsely reported Michael Flynn will testify that President Trump directed him to make contact with Russian officials while Trump was a candidate. This isn’t the first time Ross and ABC News have passed off bogus stories, and it won't be the last.

Nuked at Nine

On March 22nd 1962 in Washington DC officials worked out details for an attack on the Soviet Union. The Special Group Augmented included Attorney General Robert Kennedy, the director the CIA, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to documents included in the recently released JFK Papers, Robert Kennedy or the CIA’s John McCone asked if it would be possible to manufacture Soviet aircraft. They wanted the aircraft for a false flag. This effort dovetailed with more than a decade of propaganda warning the American people the Soviets planned to nuke the United States at any moment.

The Deep State Killed John Lennon

On December 8, 1980, former Beatle John Lennon was gunned down outside his home in New York. Mark David Chapman, arrested at the scene, was portrayed as a lone gunman. He said The Catcher in the Rye, a novel about youthful alienation by J. D. Salinger, was his statement. Or, at least, that's the official story. Chapman was in Beirut, Lebanon, when the CIA ran an assassination program there. It’s well-known the agency worked to create brainwashed assassins with its MKUltra program. Researchers believe Catcher in the Rye may have been the trigger used to set Chapman in motion.

Donald Trump, Salesman for the Merchants of Death

According to the establishment media, President Trump's whirlwind tour of Asia was about commerce, jobs, and fair play in trade. Instead, the primary focus was the sale of arms to South Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Both China and North Korea were used as a selling point. The White House National Security Council ran the sales pitch. In Japan, Trump said he expects Abe Shinzo’s government to buy, as he put it, massive amounts of armaments. He said pretty much the same while in South Korea and Vietnam.

The Genocide Bioweapon

Russian President Vladimir Putin says DNA samples are being taken from people living in different geological regions within the Russian Federation. Presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov also confirmed Russia's intelligence agencies have documented the collection of genetic material by nongovernmental organizations. In July the US Air Force Air Education and Training Command posted an inquiry on the government owned FedBizOp website. It was looking to acquire RNA and other genetic samples from Russians.