Generation Identity

Austria: Prosecutors Charged 17 Members of the Right Wing Generation Identity Group

Austrian law is based on precedent, and the leader of the identity movement, Martin Sellner, says that the case against Generation Identity is being used to set a precedent for 'criminal association', which is a way to criminalize being a member of any organization the government does not like. He says the law will be used to intimidate and prosecute members and supporters of the populist Austrian Freedom Party that recently gained power in the latest election.

Austria: Police Raid Homes of Anti-Immigration Activists ‘Generation Identity’

Austrian police raided ten homes and offices of activists from 'Generation Identity' that opposes mass immigration. Martin Sellner, the leader of the organization, says that the prosecutor is using the raid to look for evidence so that he may ban the outfit as a criminal organization under a law against "incitement to hostile action" against religious and ethnic groups, as they have protested the Islamization of Europe. The raid comes on the heels of making headlines for exposing the illegal migration of thousands of migrants through the Alps.

Julian Langness - Identitarian Nationalists Will Retake Europe & Save America - Hour 1

Julian Langness is an author from the United States who writes for Counter-Currents, TraditionalRight, and a variety of other websites. He was also the keynote speaker at the 2017 American Renaissance Conference. His newest book is entitled “Identity Rising: How Nationalist Millennials Will Re-Take Europe, Save America, And Become The New ‘Greatest Generation’”. His primary focus right now is his new YouTube channel, titled Conquering Modernity, which is focused on questions of life, culture, politics, masculinity, and men’s self-improvement.

Mark Collett - Collapse of Freedom in Britain: The Sharia-Left Deports People with Right-Wing Views - Hour 1

Mark Collett is a British political activist and the author of The Fall of Western Man. He has been politically active since his late teens and was formerly the Youth Leader and Head of Publicity for the British National Party. Mark now works with numerous groups both in the UK and abroad; and produces his own weekly podcast. Mark appears regularly on This Week in the Alt-Right with Bre Faucheux.
A video version of this interview is available here.