gay Republicans

Extra, Extra! Mind Parasites Attack Republicans!

Georgia senator/hate monger-by NoahIs there any other explanation for the behavior of today’s Republican Party?Are they just born that way? Is the Republican lifestyle a choice? Is there a crackpot gene? Or, have mind parasites taken over Republican brains?In this post, I will give you two examples of just how far the mind rot has set in amongst Republicans. They walk among us, my friends. They might even dress a little like you or I.

The Cop Who Arrested Rubio As A Gay Prostitute In 1990 Says He Had "Very White Teeth"

Illinois Republican Aaron Schock hasn't announced if he's reached a final agreement with TitanMen for his new gay porn career. I bet the million dollars they're negotiating is a lot more than sweaty little Marco Rubio was ever offered by the down-market Miami Cuban gay porn operators he got involved with when he was a teenager.

The Latest Denny Hastert Cover-Up-- And How That Undermines Law And Order

I guess I sound especially bloodthirsty the way I always advocate ultra-harsh sentences for politicians caught breaking the law. There's a reason for that, of course. Someone given a position of trust who abuses it should, of course, be held to a high standard. But there's more. History shows that if a politician gets away from criminal behavior, it encourages other politicians to give it a try.

How Much Will GOP Pretty Boy Aaron Schock Pay To Keep His Pretty Ass Out Of Prison?

Those arms are made for huggin', not brawlin'On Friday, Republican gangster Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm, an ex-marine, ex-FBI agent, ex-congressman, and tough-talking reputed Mafia operative, was sentenced to 8 months in federal prison, the gentlest slap on the wrist to a thug who knows enough to turn the FBI inside out.

Speaker Denny Hastert-- Another Republican Party Child Rapist

In 2006 Blue America was backing progressive John Laesch's campaign against Speaker Denny Hastert. Rumors of Hastert's predatory behavior towards underage boys were rampant, including more than one letter from boys who claimed to have had sex with him, including a male prostitute who kept saying he would testify and then that he didn't want his name used. It went back and forth for almost the entire campaign. But, in the end, he refused to let us use his name and the Laesch campaign had no way of confirming if there was any truth behind the allegations.