Gaius Publius

Does a Republican Have To Win Before a Progressive Can Run for the White House?

Is the Democratic Party transitioning its base from working people and progressives to #NeverTrump Republicans and whoever this guy represents?by Thomas Neuburger In the wake of Kamala Harris's pick as Joe Biden VP, I want to look again at something I covered in June (see "What's the Earliest a Progressive Democrat Can Be Elected President?<

Covid, the Constitution, Trump-Russia Again and Epstein — Four Stories Unhinging Our World

Donald Trump announcing executive orders to provide Covid economic reliefby Thomas NeuburgerThere's so much going on right now that it's hard to focus in just one place. At least four stories are simultaneously shaking our world. Covid is taking us all down the garden path, us Americans of course, thanks to our failed-state government, a government that simply cannot govern, at least with respect to the virus.

Does Biden Still Want to Hand Marijuana to Big Pharma?

by Thomas NeuburgerThe Democratic Party's "Unity Task Force," the one tasked with merging Biden's proposals with Sanders', has recently released its recommendations, among them this set of proposals for marijuana: "Substance use disorders are diseases, not a crimes. Democrats believe no one should be in prison solely because they use drugs.

What Theory of Change Will Win the Progressive War?

by Thomas NeuburgerWhen the Social contract breaks from above, it breaks from below as well.     —Yours trulyA "theory of change" in modern progressive parlance is the method by which one gets from A to B, from a world with employer-controlled health care, for example, to Medicare for All, a universal, government-controlled program.