“By hook or by crook.” Alexis Tsipras delivers North Macedonia agreement (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a look at the Greek Parliament vote on Friday that delivered the Prespes Agreement and created the nation of The Republic of North Macedonia.
North Macedonia is now on the fast track to enter NATO and the European Union.
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Protests erupt in Athens, as ‘North Macedonia’ vote fast approaches (Video)

NATO and the EU are full of joy with the Prespes agreement, which is sure to pass the Greek Parliament and fast rack the newly minted Republic of North Macedonia into NATO and the EU.
Meanwhile in Athens and Skopje, anger is reaching dangerous levels, as each side debates the pros and cons of the deal inked by Tsipras and Zaev.

The man behind Ukraine coup is now turning Greece against Russia (Video)

On July 11, Greece said it would expel two Russian diplomats and barred the entry of two others.
The Duran reported that the formal reason is alleged meddling in an attempt to foment opposition to the “historic” name deal between Athens and Skopje paving the way for Macedonia’s NATO membership. Moscow said it would respond in kind.

Greece folds to deep state demands, expels Russian diplomats over meddling (Video)

Ahead of the NATO summit, Alexis Tsipras made an unprecedented move to expel two Russian diplomats and bar the entry of two others Russian diplomats to Greece.
The claim that Tsipras’ radical left government cites in its expulsion is the tried and true Russia meddling narrative. The SYRIZA Greek government claims alleged “Russian meddling” in an attempt to foment opposition to the “historic” name deal between Athens and Skopje, a deal which coincidently paves the way for FYROM to join NATO.

Why did Greek PM Alexis Tsipras agree to such a bad “Macedonia” deal? (Video)

The fallout from the “North Macedonia” deal continues to pick up strength, as both sides begin to question the merits of the “solution” worked out by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his northern FYROM counterpart Zoran Zaev.
Greek lawmakers are debating a no-confidence motion in the government brought by the main New Democracy opposition party over a name dispute deal which ends up recognizing a Macedonian language, a people known as Macedonians, and citizens belonging to a country with the term “Macedonia.”

Trouble in the Balkans: Greece risks losing their history to EU and NATO pressure (Video)

Hours after the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his FYROM counterpart Zoran Zaev declared that they had reached an agreement that would see the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia rename itself the “Republic of North Macedonia”, the nation’s president refused point-blank to sign the deal.
“My position is final and I will not yield to any pressure, blackmail or threats,” president Gjorge Ivanov, who is backed by the nationalist opposition, told a news conference in Skopje.