free speech

Senior Canadian Legislator Tables Bill to Jail People Who Speak Out in Favour of Fossil Fuels

A leading member of a Canadian centre-Left party supporting Justin Trudeau’s minority Government has tabled a bill seeking to jail people who speak out in favour of fossil fuels.
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France’s ‘Article Pfizer’ Could Send Those who Criticize mRNA Jabs to Prison for 3 Years

Criticism of mRNA shots, when deemed obligatory or recommended by the state, could result in up to 3 years of imprisonment or a fine of 45,000 euros. The new law aims to chill public discourse, silence doctors, and to discourage whistleblowers who may have valid concerns about mRNA technology or other treatments.

No, New French Law Does Not Criminalise Opposition to mRNA Vaccines – But it’s Troubling Enough

The worry that a new French law criminalises opposition to mRNA vaccines is based on a misunderstanding, says Robert Kogon – though the law is troubling enough.
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Climate Professor Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann Won His Defamation Case Against Mark Steyn

A Washington, DC jury found that journalists Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn made false statements against Michael Mann, who was a professor of climate science at the University of Pennsylvania. Mann is the creator of the contested 'hockey stick' graph. The jury awarded punitive damages of $1 million to be paid by Steyn.

Richard D. Hall – A Travesty of Justice

Iain Davis UK independent journalist, researcher and documentary filmmaker Richard D. Hall faces conviction, sizeable damages and an injunction that could potentially end his career and his livelihood. The High Court of Justice has denied Hall the opportunity to present any kind of meaningful defence. This travesty of justice has potential implication, not just for …

The Travesty of Mark Steyn’s $1m Libel Loss to ‘Hockey Stick’ Climate Chart Creator Michael Mann

Mark Steyn's libel loss to 'hockey stick' climate chart creator Michael Mann – with $1m in punitive damages – is a travesty of justice, says Chris Morrison. Freedom and fairness are dying in Democrat America.
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Green Party Discriminated Against Former Deputy Leader Shahrar Ali for Gender-Critical Beliefs, Court Rules

The Green Party illegally discriminated against its former deputy leader, Dr Shahrar Ali, because of his gender-critical beliefs, a court has ruled.
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Michael Mann v. Mark Steyn: The Criminalizing Of Free Speech In America

Climate "scientist" Michael Mann, inventor of the discredited "hockey stick," just won a $1 million judgment from popular conservative commentator Mark Steyn in a U.S.  court, effectively criminalizing Free Speech. Mann sued the late Dr. Tim Ball in Canada over his authoritative criticism of the hockey stick. Ball cleaned Mann's clock in the Canada Supreme Court.