Fred Upton

DCCC Fakeout In Michigan

Michigan is another state about which Trump boasted, early and often, that he would win. It was in the bag. Obama won the state against McCain 57-41% and against Romney 54-45% but Trump assumed his racist clarion call to "poorly educated" white workers would win him the state. It hasn't been working out that way. The RealClearPolitics polling average shows Hillary beating him by 6 points. In fact, Hillary is beating Trump in every Michigan county Obama won and in 4 counties that Romney won: Menominee, Benzie, Berrien & Lenawee counties.

Fred Upton And Richard Nixon Never Served In Congress Together, But...

There is no better example in Congress of America's descent into plutocracy than southwest Michigan's 15-term Republican incumbent, Fred Upton. He was born into one of the state's wealthiest families and he has served the interests of his class-- and exclusively those interests-- since first getting into Congress in the 1980s. Blue America is supporting Paul Clements to replace Upton and his new TV ad (above) delineates the Upton policies to this day that have marked him as the servant of plutocracy.

Congress Is Back In Session Today: Does Paul Ryan Have A #BetterWay To Shut Down The Government?

Congress is back in town and the first thing up is an intractable Republican-created controversy that, thankfully, doesn't involve-- at least not so far-- El Trumpanzee! Instead of rushing to fund the president's Zika proposals, like they should have a year ago, the GOP immediately started bickering about shutting down the government.

Without Fred Upton, Manchin's Daughter Would Never Have Even Tried Murdering Patients By Astronomically Raising the Cost Of EpiPens

Fred Upton's Committee will never allow Medicare to negotiate fair prices with drug manufacturersJoe Manchin's daughter, the Mylan CEO with a pronounced and lifelong penchant for cheating in her personal and business life-- who caused a scandal by bribing a university official to lie and say she got a degree when she didn't-- gets all the blame for the E

Trump's Loss Will Be Shatteringly Personal-- And Devastating To The GOP Up And Down The Ballot

Still harping on the made-up "fact" that Obama founded ISIS-- which he supposedly walked back last week-- Trump was at an ill-conceived rally in Fairfield, Connecticut Saturday evening, warning voters he'd "never, ever forgive" them if he loses. "I will never, ever forgive the people of Connecticut. I will never forgive the people of Florida. Pennsylvania and Ohio..."When Trump loses in a jaw-dropping landslide in November-- virtually wiped out, outside the hatred-and-resentment-fueled Deep South-- it will be a very personal defeat.