Frank Schaeffer

Evangelicals Campaigning To Flip The House

Kara Eastman rallying with Vote Common Good in OmahaSaturday after the vile outbreak of anti-Semitic violence at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh-- 11 dead, many injured-- the Washington Post's Max Boot, wrote that he is "so sad. I am so heartbroken. What is happening to our country? Tolerance for political and religious differences is a non-negotiable part of the social contract in the United States.

Look At Jimmy Carter, An Admirer Of Jesus-- Now Look At Donald Trump, A Worshipper Of Mammon

I don't know a better observer of life in America's evangelical communities than author and filmmaker (and former evangelical) Frank Schaefer. He and I are both working on a project called VoteCommonGood, "an effort to dislodge control of Congress from the Republican Party by inspiring Christians to vote on November 6, 2018 according to what our faith tells us is the Common Good.