François Fillon

« Exécutions politiques – toutes ne réussissent pas », de Thomas Flichy de la Neuville

Alors que François Fillon vient finalement d’obtenir à l’arrachée le soutien de son parti, Les Républicains, je vous fais part de la parution d’un essai écrit par Thomas Flichy de la Neuville (1), intitulé « Exécutions politiques – toutes ne réussissent pas », et sorti en février aux éditions DMM.

France’s chaotic election as plot to replace Fillon with Juppé unravels

As French President Francois Hollande admits he will do everything in his power to stop Marine Le Pen from being elected French President, criminal accusations are being brought against her not just for republishing ISIS videos but also for making false claims for public funds to pay her staff.
This closely mirrors the charges brought against the former front runner, Francois Fillon, over alleged illegal payments to his family.

Le Pen Stripped Of Immunity Over ISIS Tweets

21st Century Wire says…
The French Presidential Election took another controversial turn with the EU Parliament revoking the immunity of France’s right-wing candidate, Marine Le Pen, for tweeting graphic photos of ISIS victims dating back to 2015 on Twitter. The decision to revoke immunity was taken by a majority of members in the plenary of the EU Parliament.

Francois Fillon and his ‘political murder”

It will come as no surprise to anyone who has followed the French election that Francois Fillon – the standard bearer of France’s right wing Republicans and until recently the front runner in the French elections – has now been charged over illegal payments to his family.
There is a strong possibility that Fillon has indeed broken the law though he denies it.

French election: Le Pen rising, Macron falling

Latest opinion polls in France suggest that Marine Le Pen is increasing her first round lead, and is starting to close the gap between herself and whatever challenger she will face in the second round of the French election.
This is happening at the same time as the centrist challenger – Emmanuel Macron – is showing the first signs of losing support.

In the midst of an ugly presidential race in France, an untainted leader is emerging

The mainstream media and the so-called elites have decided to bare the responsibility for choosing what is right for the country and the world, since the people, i.e the middle and working classes are too uneducated to make the right choice. Or so they think.
The Brexit and Donald Trump’s victory in the United States have demonstrated a backlash against this elitist way of thinking, but the elites, so far, are pretending not to notice or care.

France’s presidential hopeful François Fillon is between a rock and a hard place

The format of the primary, a foreign anglo-saxon concept which doesn’t fit in the culture of the fifth republic, put him in a situation where he has to fight on two main fronts, reuniting the fragmented right, its allies, and winning his place at the second round of the elections against Marine Le Pen, or the candidate of what is left of the leftists.