
The Fragmented Psyche, The Nous & The Osiris Complex- Jay Dyer (Half)

Stream or download free half here.
This is the first half of a full talk which can be obtained by subscribing to Jaysanalysis. In this talk I cover Dr. Colin Ross’ book Osiris Complex: Case Studies in Multiple Personality Disorder, which deals with his early therapy sessions with MPD/DID individuals. I also consider my own opinions based on an article I wrote a few years ago and what insights might be gained in Orthodox Psychotherapy and the doctrine of the nous.

Superbowl & Grammy’s: Black Magic Helter Skelter Race War w/Illuminatiwatcher

In this free first hour interview of Esoteric Hollywood, Isaac Weishaupt of joins myself and Jamie Hanshaw to discuss the recent mega-ritual social engineering events known as the Superbowl and the Grammy’s.  Delving into the esoteric side, we begin analyzing the alchemical and occultic notions of inversion and its relation to the multi-cultural program of monoculture dissolution.  Highlighting the promotion of globalism and French Revolutionary illuminism in Coldplay, we look at Beyoncé’s “Church of Bey,” the agitprop of #bla

6 Tips for Speeding up Bone Fracture Healing

Whether you are a grade school student or a highly-paid professional athlete, a bone fracture can be a tremendous inconvenience that may involve weeks or months of healing and muscular re-training, especially if the fracture is treated with nothing more than a cast. Is there a better way? Here are the latest techniques that could speed up bone fracture healing and reduce the stress from injury.