Fox News Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson on divide between America’s ruling class and people (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson goes a long way towards connecting the disintegration of traditionally-valued American culture (Christian, family oriented, men the dominant wage-earners and providers, etc.) to the state it has become now. The video’s transcript is available here.
This video covers such important points that we will offer timestamps and topics listed:

Creepy Porn Lawyers’ disgusting assault on Tucker Carlson and his 19 year old daughter (Video)

Days after ANTIFA targeted Fox News’ Tucker Carlson’s home, trying to intimidate and scare the TV host into curbing his free speech against totalitarian mob rule propagated by ANTIFA and their paymasters, it appears that the SJW establishment swamp is going after Tucker with everything they got…sending in the expendable, and always eager to get publicity, Creepy Porn Lawyer, Michael Avenatti, to try and ensnare Carlson in some sort of racist assault scandal.

Tucker Carlson DESTROYS University professor over Supreme Court travel ban ruling (Video)

Visibly frustrated by the University professor’s dodging of questions, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson openly called the liberal left academic “dumb” before cutting off the interview early.
Carlson pressed his guest to answer ‘what percentage WHITE is Trump trying to get the United States to’ so as to make it the white supremacist nation that the liberal left is hysterically freaking out about.