
Endorsement Motivations

Every wonder how endorsers decide who to endorse? Let's look at a race in Florida, the one for the U.S. Senate seat. The most valuable endorsement you can get in a Democratic primary is Obama's. So how did he pick between Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson? Murphy consistently voted with the Republicans on almost everything Obama claimed was important to him-- even direct attacks.

Remember How GOP Strategists Used To Get So Excited About "Guns And Gays?" No More

The gun lobby power derives from support of cowardly politicians like Ted StricklandGays used to be a big GOP issue. The tide has turned and now most Republican electeds-- other than in a few backwards Confederate districts-- would rather it not be brought up. Guns as an issue is turning around too. It was once a winner for the GOP and now... Democratic strategists are eager to use gun massacres as a cudgel against Republicans this year.

Darren Soto Hates Being Called Florida's ConservaDem Poster Child, But He'd Be Another Gwen Graham Or Patrick Murphy In Congress

There are definitely some big changes coming due to the judicial redistricting in Florida, likely among them will be the end of House careers for several conservatives: Carlos Curbelo who finds himself in a neatly blue district and will be facing Annette Taddeo, who can probably beat him; Daniel Webster, who also finds himself in a Democratic district he can't win, certainly not in a presidential year (although he is probably going to move to FL-06 and try i

Is There One Single Best Member Of Congress? Have You Met Alan Grayson?

When Blue America weighs the pros and cons of endorsing a candidate for Congress, we often find ourselves measuring them by how similar he or she appears to be to Orlando Congressman Alan Grayson. Grayson is brilliant, courageous and, more than anyone else in the House, he defines progressivism. And you know what? One Congressman can matter.