
On international relations, the public is clueless, democracy fails.

Eric Zuesse Nothing is more important to the people in any nation than international relations, because that includes national security, peace and war, and also includes the nation’s economy, which depends heavily on foreign trade.  Take, for example, the big issue in Finland and Sweden, the decision whether or not to join America’s NATO anti-Russian […]

Turkey will leave NATO and create a new alliance?

The main international topic of recent topics was the prospect of Finland and Sweden joining NATO. On May 18, applications from these countries were submitted to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. He stressed that the decision of Helsinki and Stockholm would strengthen the security of Europe at a critical moment. Jens Stoltenberg noted that he […]

Nordic NATO Expansion or NATO Implosion?

On May 16 2022, Finland and Sweden decided to become members of NATO. Not only is this totally against the 1991 US / NATO promise to then Russian President Gorbachev, that “NATO will not move an inch eastward from Berlin”. Then total NATO members were 14, two in the Americas – US and Canada – […]
The post Nordic NATO Expansion or NATO Implosion? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

 Russia’s Weak Response to Finland’s Joining NATO

On May 12th, Russia’s RT bannered “Finland’s NATO membership will trigger response – Moscow”, and reported that Moscow has warned that Finland joining NATO would pose a direct threat to Russia’s security and its acceptance to the military alliance would prompt Russia to develop measures to ensure its safety. That’s after Finnish officials confirmed on Thursday their commitment to join[Read More...]

Russia’s Weak Response to Finland’s Joining NATO

Eric Zuesse On May 12th, Russia’s RT bannered “Finland’s NATO membership will trigger response – Moscow”, and reported that Moscow has warned that Finland joining NATO would pose a direct threat to Russia’s security and its acceptance to the military alliance would prompt Russia to develop measures to ensure its safety. That’s after Finnish officials […]

Denmark is First EU Country to Scrap All COVID Restrictions

21st Century Wire | January 29, 2022 Later this week, England is scheduled to drop its problematic mask mandate for shops and public transport, along with its highly unpopular vaccine passport regime. Up north, Scotland says it will “relax” so-called ‘work from home guidance,’ and reopen nightclubs, as well as ending venue capacity limits. While […]